Monday, May 3, 2010

How To Stop An Ant Invasion

This past week we had the privilege of observing one of nature's strongest and most strategic creations unleash its fury upon our jar filled pantry. Here's what we discovered;

1. You can't just wipe them up and expect the assault to end.

2. Moving your honey to the middle of a tub of water is merely child's play for the ant.

3. Leaving the bodies of the dead on the trail doesn't deter them.

4. Ants eat the poison out of cheap traps and laugh.

5. Ants are as committed as kamikazes waging holy war.

What worked?

1. Patience. Discover the source. It may take some time as the ant will attempt to throw you off the trail utilizing decoys.

2. Boiling water. Once I discovered their main pipeline (outside the house) I proceeded to pour boiling water along their passage and into the general area of earth where I supposed the underground layer was positioned.

3. Max Attack. Ant traps from Lowe's placed at points I recognized as encampments inside the house. Usually along the baseboard and in corners.

It's important to remember to keep calm and stay focused. For the ant it's not just about the food but your sanity. Once you freak out it's too late. The ant has already won.


  1. Funny. Ants are hatred numero uno on my list of pests. Because there's never. just. one. ant. I'll take an infestation of killer bees over ants. Well, maybe not killer bees, but definitely regular bees....

  2. I try to convince Mindy that ants are just tiny little helpers that help clean the house by carrying away the crumbs, but she doesn't buy it. Especially when they are cleaning out the pantry.

    Boiling water? I picture the movie Ants when they are trying to build a tower to escape the water.


  3. Ants are devious and we have to be strong and remember that even in light of the cute personifications.
