Friday, May 7, 2010

Stuff Not Even a Mother Could Love.

Kids are often peculiar, coming pre-programmed with a variety of quirks to give us good reason to wonder. Sometimes about what's wrong with them. Which is mostly just that they're kids and kids are weird.
A a parent I find the majority of these traits comical and even endearing.
Some however I don't

My 3-year old for instance has a habit of saving up his saliva and then swishing it around his mouth and through his teeth like it's some kind of magical mouthwash. Maybe he just likes the sound it makes on the other side of his ears.

Usually I ignore it until it drives me mad and then I simply shout out his name providing zero context.

I'm sure he understands.

Wondering what tactics your kids use to make your skin crawl? Or maybe it's just me.

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